
The latest news, views and blogs from Real Ideas

20th April, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Who knows how the game will play out ...

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12th April, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

You don't have to be dyslexic to start a business, but it might help ...

Success in life is not determined by success in school. In fact, school may have been holding you back.

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17th March, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Wanna get something started?

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14th March, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Progressing the People - Keep the Network Alive

The final funded Progressing the People lunch was as lively as ever - will there be more?

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15th February, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Progressing the People Summary - 08 February, 2023

Progressing the People is a working lunch group set up to support HR professionals and business leaders in the city with the challenges that come with supporting staff, recruiting and retaining talent

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25th January, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Men, pause. It's not a problem ...

No summary available.

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17th January, 2023
Blog | Enterprise Support |

You have ambition? Set a target ...

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2nd December, 2022
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Progressing the People - 23.11.2022

We had a great working lunch last week. Here is what we talked about ...

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30th November, 2022
Blog | Enterprise Support |

You can't always live in the cream ...

Business can be tough at times and you can set yourself up to be miserable if you always expect to live in the cream.

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14th November, 2022
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Love the game you play

I had tears in my eyes on Saturday morning ...

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1st November, 2022
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Listen, understand, act

No summary available.

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20th October, 2022
Blog | Enterprise Support |

Time on my side

Time is not the enemy.

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14th October, 2022
Enterprise Support | Blog |

Progressing the People Working Lunch

No summary available.

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5th October, 2022
Enterprise Support | Blog |

The customer is always right, right?

It is called a sales process for a reason. Not to ensure you fill in the right forms, but to ensure your customer knows where they are and decide if they want to be there.

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23rd September, 2022
Enterprise Support |

Rock, Me, Hard Place

Life is full of choices and there are not all straightforward. How do you make good decisions when the outcome will negatively someone?

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