Prior to Game Changer, Chloe was enrolled at college studying A-Levels in college sociology, psychology and business. Chloe then started her time on Game Changer in mid 2018 and remained on programme for just over half a year.
After being referred to Pentreath she began working with her navigator Erica exploring her options in the health and social care sector by getting involved in educational and vocational activities. Initially, she partnered up with the community’s team at the Eden Project to help deliver social prescribing walks that supported COPD suffers on walks around Eden. To explore this sector more, she did further placements at White Gold where she learnt more about the administration side of health organisations, the MS centre and The Hugs Foundation.
Upon leaving programme Chloe took a year out of education and worked in a local hotel before heading to the University of Kingston in 2020 to study Criminology. During her university study, lockdown struck so Chloe came home to Cornwall. Throughout this time, she worked at Bodmin Hospital doing cleaning and becoming a Health Care Assistant. Leading to her working at a high-security hospital in London as a Health Care Assistant in forensic mental health alongside her university study.
Now coming to the end of her university studies in 2023, Chloe has put an application in for a PHD scholarship grant at her current university and has gained employment for the future as a prison officer at Grendon Prison, a therapeutic community prison.
“I was referred to Game Changer through my GP to help with my social anxiety. My project navigator was very kind and supportive and encouraged me to explore a variety of relevant work experience / volunteering opportunities and to obtain employment alongside my college studies. Through this, I was enabled to connect with people and build confidence in professional environments, and the experience I gained provided strong foundations for successful career development.”