Schools for All Seasons is a short- term residency in a number of primary and SEN schools across Cornwall, that nourishes children with well-being activity and creativity rooted in our connections to the outdoors and our seasonal heritage.

Real Ideas are delighted to be delivering this project, commissioned by Headstart Kernow, and supporting schools to develop their arts and culture offer. From nature-based CPD for teachers, to exciting celebration events at some iconic Cornish locations, Schools for all Seasons is an opportunity for children and teachers to come together and document the changing of the seasons through different art forms. Each child taking part is given a nature journal, with prompts such as ‘watch clouds not clocks!’, encouraging them to slow down and notice the nature around them.

Bringing schools together for this project has begun to facilitate networking opportunities, and teachers from Marazion to Launceston will soon be able to come together for arts and nature based CPD, as well as artists gaining valuable Trauma Informed Schools Training.

As well as developing their creative skills and enjoying time outdoors, each child will achieve their Arts Award Discover, through their journal work and their celebration event at The Eden Project. From coming together to sing, to meeting new artists, having the opportunity to express their creativity and achieve an Arts Award certificate, there is no doubt that Schools for all Seasons will have a wonderfully positive effect on these children’s mental health and well-being.

To keep up to date with how the project is going, look out for updates on our Latest News page, and to hear about educational arts and culture opportunities for your children, sign up to our Educators’ Newsletter here.