Pre-Green Thinkers, Kira was an Ocean Science and Marine Conservation Graduate struggling to find employment in the sector. She had a keen interest in community engagement and nature connection initiatives, however, was a little unsure about how to get started.

Having seen an advert on Instagram about Green Thinkers she decided to come along to a taster event to see what it was all about. Here she met Amy and Rachael who run the programme and Tess Wilmot. Tess is a local permaculture expert, who delivered some activities around identification and the importance and delicate balance of ecosystems particularly in urban green spaces, in this case Devonport.  

Tess was one of many people Kira met along the way during Green Thinkers.

 “The thing I most enjoyed about Green Thinkers was being introduced to so many different groups in Plymouth who are involved with nature and the green sector. It means I am now aware of an array of events/groups to join in which I can gain more experience. I also enjoyed collaborating with peers in group sessions. It was great to make friends who share similar interests.”

A big part of Green Thinkers is learning about yourself, the skills you have and want to develop, and the career path you want to follow and how to get there, but another huge part is about meeting other people and organisations. Through practical activities you can make connections, contacts and develop networks to help you along your way, but also become more connected and involved in your local community. In Kira’s case this has help her to secure a job in the sector.

“Since being in Green Thinkers I have had more confidence to apply for jobs and undertake interviews. I have also been employed by Flint and Steel Forest School to help deliver forest school sessions which I hope to continue with.”


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
National Lottery Heritage Fund
Nature Plymouth