Are you an indie maker, creator or food producer looking for a retail platform to showcase what you do?

At Real Ideas we’ve always championed and supported local independent businesses, allowing them to flourish and develop in our spaces, through markets, exhibitions, experiences and a small retail offer. We recognise that now more than ever independents need our collective support, so it is time for us to shake things up a little bit.

As part of our Think Big Shop Small campaign, we would like to offer local independents the chance to have a pop-up retail spot in our venues and join us on a journey through our Spring 2021 programme and beyond.

We aim to be as inclusive as possible in our work but recognise we’re on a journey. We also recognise the creative sector is biased towards those who are white, cisgender and non-disabled. Our programme will be stronger with greater diversity and we welcome applications from those who bring difference. We may ask you for further information about you and/or your workforce so we can better understand our reach and how, together, we can start to break down barriers to inclusion and celebrate diversity.

For more information about how Real Ideas saves and uses your data please read our privacy notice.

What’s the process?

We are custodians of five buildings in Plymouth, Liskeard and Newquay, two of which are current renovation projects. They include Devonport Guildhall, Ocean Studios, CSpace, Market Hall and Liskeard Library.

This opportunity applies to Ocean Studios (Plymouth) and C Space (Newquay).

We invite you to tell us more about you, your enterprise and your retail offer so we can curate a vibrant and exciting pop-up offer in our spaces (once we can open again!)

We have provided criteria below and a link to an application form (and the equalities, diversity and inclusion survey). However, if you would prefer an alternative to writing, you can submit a short video – no longer than 3 mins or 4GB in size and submit it to

What’s our criteria and what are we looking for?


Apply now