What’s our intention?


Real Ideas (https://realideas.org)

Green Minds (https://greenmindsplymouth.com)
Working in partnership Green Minds will:

Outline of the Project

Climate and Ecological emergencies require us all to change how we behave, in a multitude of
ways. Alongside large-scale government interventions, driven by legal constraints or financial
incentives, it is imperative that individuals and communities make multiple, positive changes.
Many of these will be small scale; walking or cycling for short distances, rather than taking the car;
eating less meat; increasing insulation in homes; planting plants that support bees and other
pollinators, rather than traditional shrubs; greening our grey neighbourhoods, rejecting single use
plastics. The list is long, and technology is already being used, for instance, smart meters to help
people measure the energy they use.

Providing information to underpin behaviour change is important, but as behaviour change theory
describes and we all know from personal experience, the catalyst to actually make changes is
complex and varied. For some it is following logic, but for others it is an emotional response, being
part of a group or developing the confidence that your, small action matters.
The Market Hall has sparked several conversations between businesses, environmental focused
enterprises, partners and communities related to how we can connect people with nature and
utilise our local infrastructure and resources to tackle real challenges and help change behaviours.
The proposed film is the culminating product of a final immersive experience that brings together
work to date and the overall experience includes:


Co-produce, edit and deliver a 5-8 minute 360 film that:

Key Information


Procurement and Sourcing

Dome Specification

Selection Criteria/Partners and Developers

Budget and Investment Information

Up to £5,000 (inclusive of VAT) to include community co-production activity and delivery
of final film.

Format of Application

Please submit:

Please send your submission to gary.futcher@realideas.org by Thursday 20 October by 5pm